Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition

Community Service

Capacity Building for the Understanding of the Nagari Kamang Hilia Apparatus of Agam Regency on the Administration, Reporting and ...

December 17, 2023
This community service activity in Nagari Kamang Hilia, Agam Regency was motivated by the issuance of Law Number 6 of 2014 and …

Entrepreneurship training: determination of cost of production and branding of MSME products in the community on the banks of Lake Maninjau

October 18, 2023
Lecturers of Padang State University held an entrepreneurship training “Maninjau Typical Food Processing” at the Office of the Wali Nagari Bayur Maninjau…

Improving financial literacy of young entrepreneurs of HIPMI PT UNP through the preparation of cost of production and break event point analysis

September 22, 2023
PADANG (21/9/2023) – A total of 34 participants participated in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) held by lecturers from the…

Strategies for optimizing entrepreneurship learning at vocational schools as an effort to support the independent learning program

September 16, 2023
In facing the challenges of the 21st century, and the progress of the times, students in school are faced with high competition in finding jobs…

Development of talang sarumpun ecoprint in nagari talang babungo, solok regency

September 12, 2023
The FEB UNP Lecturer Service Team Dr. Deviani SE Ak., M.Si, Jean Elikal Marna S.Pd., M.Pd and Irdha Yusra SE., M.Sc carried out community service activities …

PKM: Improving Financial Literacy of HIPMI PT UNP Young Entrepreneurs through the Preparation of Cost of Production and Break Event Point Analysis

September 9, 2023
Padang – The Community Partnership Program (PKM) team consisting of lecturers from the Department of Accounting and Management…

Training on the preparation of cooperative financial statements based on SAK ETAP for accounting and finance teachers of business ...

September 5, 2023
PADANG (5/9/2023) – A total of 31 accounting teachers from vocational schools in West Sumatra participated in the training “Preparation of…

PKM Workshop on Increasing Income Generation for Business Actors in the Gadang 92 Sahati House Association with a Full Costing Approach in Nagari ...

September 4, 2023
Agam, – Padang State University held a Community Service (PKM) activity by holding a training with the title “Workshop on Improving…

PKM: Financial Management and Digital Marketing Strategy to Improve the Economy of Nagari Bayua, Tanjung Raya District, Agam Regency

August 27, 2023
UMKM actors received training and workshops on financial management and digital marketing from the Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Economics…

Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Business and Accounting Vocational School Teachers in the Field of Entrepreneurship and Taxation

November 30, 2022
Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Business and Accounting Vocational School Teachers in the Field of Entrepreneurship and Taxation…

Assistance for the Management of Small and Medium Industries in South Pesisir Regency to Realize Resilient and Competitive Pessel SMEs

November 30, 2022
Assistance for the Management of Small and Medium Industries in South Pesisir Regency to Realize Resilient and Competitive Pessel SMEs…

Training on Preparation of Excel-Based Financial Statements and Archive Management for Managers of Educational Foundations in Padang City

October 18, 2022
The Community Partnership Program (PKM) team of the accounting department of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang…

Increasing Entrepreneurship Through Financial Literacy Training, and The Renewal of Packaging of Rinuak Kering Products of Lake Maninjau towards Improving...

October 18, 2022
Lecturers of Padang State University held an entrepreneurship training “Maninjau Typical Food Processing” at the Office of the Wali Nagari Bayur Maninja…
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