Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition

Vision Missions Objective


The Accounting Study Program is strongly concerned with internationalization and considers it the most important goal. Therefore, the vision of study program incorporates the international orientation, which stated: “to become a dignity accounting study program with an international reputation” aligned with the vision of the Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Negeri Padang.


  1. Implementing internationally recognized quality education and teaching in the field of accounting.
  2. Conducting innovative research and global publications in accounting.
  3. Engaging in community service to solve problems and contribute to the development of the economy and business, especially in accounting.
  4. Implementing world-class program governance.
  5. Establishing international collaborations.


  1. Producing accounting graduates with high professional standards in accordance with international norms.
  2. Generating reputable applied accounting research at the national and international levels.
  3. Publishing scholarly works in accounting oriented towards international best practices, efficient capital markets, and sustainability.
  4. Creating community service projects at national and international levels that are beneficial and targeted.
  5. Establishing national and international collaborations.
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