Diploma Study Program
Department of Accounting
Ade Elsa Betavia, SE, M.Si
Email: adeelsabetavia@fe.unp.ac.id
Venia Legendi
Financial Accounting
Sharia Accounting
Education/Academic Qualification
(2001-2005) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang
(2013-2015) Master of Science in Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
Teaching Focus
Financial Accounting
Sharia Accounting
- (2021) The 8th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2021) The 7th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2020) The 6th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2019) The 2nd Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2023) Performance Measurement at Universities: Systematic Literature Review
- (2021) The Determinants Factors of Accounting Students’ Interest in Sharia Career
- (2020) The Effect of Compensation Schemes, and Self-Efficacy on Slack Budgeting
- (2019) Analysis of Profitability, Liquidity, Dividend Policy, Growth and Asset Structure toward Capital Structure and Firm Value
- (2021) Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
- (2021) The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
- (2020) The Determinants Factors of Accounting Students’ Interest in Sharia Career
- (2019) Analysis of Profitability, Liquidity, Dividend Policy, Growth and Asset Structure toward Capital Structure and Firm Value