The FEB UNP Bachelor of Accounting Study Program holds Management Accounting lectures taught by Vita Fitria Sari, SE, M.Si with the team teaching Dr. Hanafia Hasin from MARA University of Technology Malaysia (UITM).
The lectures are conducted via ZOOM, there were 3 meetings, the first meeting on 19 February 2024, second meeting on 26 February 2024, and third meeting on 4 March 2024, Dr. Hanafia delivered material about Cost Volume Profit, Standard Cost and Balanced Scorecard and Budgetary Control.
Through International Collaborative Learning with Dr. Hanafi Aini it is expected that the insights of Bachelor of Accounting students regarding Management Accounting will not only be on a national scale but also on International scale in order to support Padang State University (UNP) as a World Class University.