Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition

FIBAA Documents

FIBAA Documents

In the accreditation or evaluation process by FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), the following documents are typically required to assess the quality and standards of an institution or program:

  1. Organigram [Link]
  2. Statistical Data [Link]
  3. Official Admission Regulations [Link]
  4. Curriculum Overview [Link]
  5. Module or course descriptions – syllabi for each course [Link]
  6. Study regulations incl [Link]
  7. Final thesis – final project Guidelines and Regulations [Link]
  8. Internship Guidelines and Regulations (if applicable) [Link]
  9. Documents – other sources indicating that student workload is considered [Link]
  10. Sample diploma or degree certificate [Link]
  11. Curriculum vitae of lecturers (full-time and part-time) [Link]
  12. Cooperation agreements [Link]
  13. Regulations Quality Management [Link]
  14. Quality management instruments [Link]
  15. Evaluation – Survey Results of HEIs Quality Assurance Instruments [Link]
  1. Examinations [Link]
  2. Final theses (including appraisale – examiner assessment) [Link]
  3. Reports of work placements – internships (if applicable) [Link]
  4. Case studies (if applicable) [Link]
  5. Teaching and Learning Materials (a selection for each study programme) [Link]
  6. Material (vidio – pictures) presenting HEIs campus and Premises [Link]
  7. Guest access to the teaching and learning platform (if applicable) [Link]
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