Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition


Undergraduate Study Program

Department of Accounting

Dr. Deviani, S.E., AK., M.Si.

Venia Legendi
National certification of lecturer

Education/Academic Qualification
(1987-1994) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
(2007-2010) Master in accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
(2013-2020) Doctor of Philosophy in economic, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas

Teaching Focus
Introduction Accounting
Public Sector Accounting
Public Sector Accounting Seminar

  1. (2022)   Reviewer of Padang International Conference on Education, Economic, Business and Accounting


  1. The role of accounting in regional education planning and budgeting (governmentality theory perspective)
  2. Analysis of regional spending on economic growth and education (Empirical Study of cities and districts in West Sumatra)
  3. Analysis of Performance Measurement Using a Budget Approach (Case Study in Padang City Government)
  4. Mapping the Management of Nagari-Owned Enterprises in West Sumatra with the Importance Performance Analysis Approach


  1. (2023) Potential Loss From Parking Levies
  2. (2023) The Influence of Democracy, Political Strength and Size of Local Government on Regional Government Financial Transparency
  3. (2022) Regional Government Response to Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No.7 of 2015. In terms of Increasing Transparency in Regional Financial Management
  4. (2022) Accounting Student Plagiarism: The Pentagon’s Fraud Dimensions
  5. (2022) Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
  6. (2020) Theoretical In Indonesian Local Government Accounting Research: 2000-2019
  7. (2020) Government Financial Reporting Research for the last decade in Indonesia
  1. (2022-2025) Secretary of internal audit Unit Universitas Negeri Padang , West Sumatra
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