Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Accounting
Dr. Deviani, S.E., AK., M.Si.
Email: deviani@fe.unp.ac.id
Venia Legendi
National certification of lecturer
Education/Academic Qualification
(1987-1994) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
(2007-2010) Master in accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
(2013-2020) Doctor of Philosophy in economic, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
Teaching Focus
Introduction Accounting
Public Sector Accounting
Public Sector Accounting Seminar
- (2022) Reviewer of Padang International Conference on Education, Economic, Business and Accounting
- The role of accounting in regional education planning and budgeting (governmentality theory perspective)
- Analysis of regional spending on economic growth and education (Empirical Study of cities and districts in West Sumatra)
- Analysis of Performance Measurement Using a Budget Approach (Case Study in Padang City Government)
- Mapping the Management of Nagari-Owned Enterprises in West Sumatra with the Importance Performance Analysis Approach
- (2023) Potential Loss From Parking Levies
- (2023) The Influence of Democracy, Political Strength and Size of Local Government on Regional Government Financial Transparency
- (2022) Regional Government Response to Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No.7 of 2015. In terms of Increasing Transparency in Regional Financial Management
- (2022) Accounting Student Plagiarism: The Pentagon’s Fraud Dimensions
- (2022) Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
- (2020) Theoretical In Indonesian Local Government Accounting Research: 2000-2019
- (2020) Government Financial Reporting Research for the last decade in Indonesia
- (2022-2025) Secretary of internal audit Unit Universitas Negeri Padang , West Sumatra