Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition


Undergraduate Study Program

Department of Accounting

Dr. Eka Fauzihardani, SE, M.Si. Ak

Venia Legendi
Business and Professional Ethics
Behavioral Accounting
Management Accounting
Management Control System

Education/Academic Qualification
(1990-1997) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas
(2003-2008) Master of Science in Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2013-2020) Doctor in Economics (Behavioral Accounting), Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas

Teaching Focus
Behavioral Accounting

  1. (2020-present) Reviewer of JEA (Jurnal Eksplorasi Akuntansi)
  2. (2023-present) Secretary of Academic Faculty Senate


  1. (2020) Analysis of Personal, Organizational and Governmental Factors on Tax Ethical Decision in Corporate
  2. (2021) The Effect of Trust and Audit Probability on Tax Ethical Decision
  3. (2022) The Determinant of Tax Ethical Decision


  1. (2022) The Effect of Collectivism, Herding Behavior, and Accounting Understanding on Intention to Implement SAK EMKM (P. Rini and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2022)
  2. (2022) The Effect of Audit Fee, Time Budgeting and Audit Rotation on Audit Quality: Auditor Experience as Moderator (W. Rahmadini and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2022)
  3. (2022) An Analysis on The Determinant of Tax Ethical Decision (PICEEBA 9)
  4. (2021) The Effect of Ego Depletion and Workload on Audit Judgment Quality (MT Anita Rahim and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2021)
  5. (2020) The Effect of Ethical Judgment, Trust in Government, and Audit Probability on Indonesia’s Tax Professional Decision (International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol 29, No 3s, pp 342-358)
  6. (2019) Ethical Knowledge, Ethical Decision: A Gap of Ethical Behavior (Proceeding PICEBAA, Atlantis Press)
  1. Presenter at Padang International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting (PICEEBA)
  2. Co-Presenter of ICONSEA Malaya University, Malaysia
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