Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Accounting
Dr. Eka Fauzihardani, SE, M.Si. Ak
Email: ekafauzi@fe.unp.ac.id
Venia Legendi
Business and Professional Ethics
Behavioral Accounting
Management Accounting
Management Control System
Education/Academic Qualification
(1990-1997) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas
(2003-2008) Master of Science in Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2013-2020) Doctor in Economics (Behavioral Accounting), Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas
Teaching Focus
Behavioral Accounting
- (2020-present) Reviewer of JEA (Jurnal Eksplorasi Akuntansi)
- (2023-present) Secretary of Academic Faculty Senate
- (2020) Analysis of Personal, Organizational and Governmental Factors on Tax Ethical Decision in Corporate
- (2021) The Effect of Trust and Audit Probability on Tax Ethical Decision
- (2022) The Determinant of Tax Ethical Decision
- (2022) The Effect of Collectivism, Herding Behavior, and Accounting Understanding on Intention to Implement SAK EMKM (P. Rini and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2022)
- (2022) The Effect of Audit Fee, Time Budgeting and Audit Rotation on Audit Quality: Auditor Experience as Moderator (W. Rahmadini and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2022)
- (2022) An Analysis on The Determinant of Tax Ethical Decision (PICEEBA 9)
- (2021) The Effect of Ego Depletion and Workload on Audit Judgment Quality (MT Anita Rahim and E. Fauzihardani, JEA 2021)
- (2020) The Effect of Ethical Judgment, Trust in Government, and Audit Probability on Indonesia’s Tax Professional Decision (International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol 29, No 3s, pp 342-358)
- (2019) Ethical Knowledge, Ethical Decision: A Gap of Ethical Behavior (Proceeding PICEBAA, Atlantis Press)
- Presenter at Padang International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting (PICEEBA)
- Co-Presenter of ICONSEA Malaya University, Malaysia