Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Accounting
Erly Mulyani, SE, M.Si. Ak
Email: erlymulyani@fe.unp.ac.id
Venia Legendi
Management Accounting
Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
Education/Academic Qualification
(1996-2000) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Bung Hatta
(2001-2004) Master of Science, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran
(2006-2007) Accounting Profession Education, PPA Universitas Andalas
Teaching Focus
Management Accounting
Cost Accounting
Portofolio Theory and Investment Analysis
- (2022) The 9th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2021) The 8th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2021) The 7th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2020) The 6th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
- (2019) ACM International Conference, Beijing
- (2019) 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology, Penang
- (2018) International Conferences on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship and Finance, Bandung
- (2021) Psychological Factors of Beginner Investors in West Sumatra in Making Investment Decisions in the Capital Market
- (2018) Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility dan Intelectual Capital terhadap Business Performance Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
- (2016) Acceptance and Use of E-Learning in Accounting Lecturers of PTN and PTS in Padang City: An Empirical Study Using the UTAUT Model
- (2020) The Effect of Changes in the Rupiah Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, and International Stock Index on the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- (2021) Underpricing of Shares at the Time of Initial Public Offering (IPO): Effects of Company Size, Company Age, KAP Reputation and Profitability
- (2021) Investment Decisions: The Effect of Risk Perceptions and Risk Propensity for Beginner Investors in West Sumatra
- (2021) Effect of Risk Perception, Problem Framing, Risk Propensity, and Information Asymmetry to the Investment Decision in Capital Market
- (2022) Analysis of Capital Market Reaction to the Announcement of Large-Scale Social Restrictions Policy
- (2022) Effect of Remote Audit and Number of Auditor Assignments on Audit Quality: An Empirical Study of BPKP Representatives of West Sumatra Province
- (2016-2026) Head of Labor GIBEI