Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition


Undergraduate Study Program

Department of Accounting

Erly Mulyani, SE, M.Si. Ak

Venia Legendi
Management Accounting
Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis

Education/Academic Qualification
(1996-2000) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Bung Hatta
(2001-2004) Master of Science, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran
(2006-2007) Accounting Profession Education, PPA Universitas Andalas

Teaching Focus
Management Accounting
Cost Accounting
Portofolio Theory and Investment Analysis

  1. (2022) The 9th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
  2. (2021) The 8th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
  3. (2021) The 7th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
  4. (2020) The 6th Padang International Conferences on Education, Economics, Business, and Accounting, Padang
  5. (2019) ACM International Conference, Beijing
  6. (2019) 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology, Penang
  7. (2018) International Conferences on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship and Finance, Bandung


  1. (2021) Psychological Factors of Beginner Investors in West Sumatra in Making Investment Decisions in the Capital Market
  2. (2018) Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility dan Intelectual Capital terhadap Business Performance Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
  3. (2016) Acceptance and Use of E-Learning in Accounting Lecturers of PTN and PTS in Padang City: An Empirical Study Using the UTAUT Model


  1. (2020) The Effect of Changes in the Rupiah Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, and International Stock Index on the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
  2. (2021) Underpricing of Shares at the Time of Initial Public Offering (IPO): Effects of Company Size, Company Age, KAP Reputation and Profitability
  3. (2021) Investment Decisions: The Effect of Risk Perceptions and Risk Propensity for Beginner Investors in West Sumatra
  4. (2021) Effect of Risk Perception, Problem Framing, Risk Propensity, and Information Asymmetry to the Investment Decision in Capital Market
  5. (2022) Analysis of Capital Market Reaction to the Announcement of Large-Scale Social Restrictions Policy
  6. (2022) Effect of Remote Audit and Number of Auditor Assignments on Audit Quality: An Empirical Study of BPKP Representatives of West Sumatra Province
  1. (2016-2026) Head of Labor GIBEI
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