Department of Accounting
Commitment is our tradition


Diploma Study Program

Department of Accounting

Dr. Nelvirita, SE, M.Si. Ak

Venia Legendi
Financial Accounting
Accounting Theory

Education/Academic Qualification
(1994-1998) Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas
(2004-2006) Master of Science in Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjajaran
(2015-2023) Doctor in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjajaran

Teaching Focus
Financial Accounting
Accounting Theory
Research Methodology
Information System

  1. (2015) Presenter on Simposium Nasional Akuntansi (SNA) XVIII, Medan
  2. (2016) Presenter on The International Conference on Emerging Accounting Issues, Bandung


  1. The Effect of Company Size, Audit Opinion, and Subsidiary of Multinational Company on Audit Delay
  2. The Ability of Earning Component and Cash Flow from Operation in Predicting Future Cash Flow
  3. The Readiness of Accounting Educator in Integration of IFRS Material in the Course
  4. Forming the 21st Century Accountant Profile through Outcome-Based Blended Learning Model Development
  5. Forming the 21st Century Accountant Profile through Case-Based Method Flipped Learning Model Development


  1. (2013) The Effect of Systematic Risk, Leverage, and Earning Persistence on Earning Response Coefficient, Wahana Riset Akuntansi
  2. (2014) The Ability of Earning Component and Cash Flow from Operation in Predicting Future Cash Flow, Jurnal Praktik Bisnis
  3. (2015) The Readiness of Accounting Educator in Integrating IFRS Material in the Course, SNA XVIII Proceeding
  4. (2016) An Opportunity for Accounting Educators to Learn from Critical Education Theory, Proceeding of International Conference on Emerging Accounting Issues
  5. (2020) Accounting Educator’s Role in Preventing Corruption, Proceeding of the 4th PICEEBA
  6. (2021) The Influence of Company Size, Profitability, Leverage and Length of Listing on Intellectual Capital Disclosures, Jurnal Eksplorasi Akuntansi
  1. (2012-2015) The Secretary of Accounting Diploma, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang
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