Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Accounting
Vanica Serly, SE, M.Si
Email: vanica.serly@fe.unp.ac.id
Venia Legendi
Financial Accounting
Sharia Accounting
Education/Academic Qualification
(2005-2010) Bachelor in accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas
(2011-2013) Master of Science in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Andalas
Teaching Focus
Financial Accounting
Sharia Accounting
- Presenter in Padang International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting (PICEEBA)
- (2023) Experimental Research: Tax Literacy Model to Create a Tax-awareness Generation
- (2020-2021) Analysis of Behavior and Development of Ethical Morals of Accounting Students and Professional Accountants for the Development of Content
- (2021) Analysis of the Level of Islamic Belief and Morals of Accounting Students
- (2020) Efficiency, Asset Quality and Stability: Comparative Study of Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks in Southeast Asia
- (2019) The Influence of Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Ownership Structure, on Agency Cost
- Ethics in university: Cognitive moral development and gender
- Earning Managements on Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks: How they are different in ownership structure
- The Characteristics of the Sharia Supervisory Board Towards Financial Soundness in Indonesia Islamic Bank
- Analyzing Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Southeast Asia: The Firm Size View
- Efficiency, Asset Quality and Stability: Comparative Study of Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks
- Understanding motives, expectations, and preparedness on accounting students’ performance: Some Indonesia study
- The Correlation of Audit Fee, Audit Quality and Integrity
- (2019-2023) Member of the quality internal staff
- (2021-2024) Member of the internal auditor